Tag: What happened during Covid 19

  • Covid-19 Follow Up, Part 3

    July 22, 2020 Today, I realize that 2 months passed since I wrote Big Bad Covid-19. Shortly after, the Governor issued an order for facilities of our kind to be tested for the virus. Interestingly enough, it took quite a while for the order to take effect. We waited for weeks. Most of us wanted to…

  • Big Bad Covid-19, Part 2 of 3

    May 20, 2020 When did the human race become so fearful of the flu? Throughout the times, we had plenty. More or less, one flu virus every year. Some strains were bad and killed millions. Some strains were mild and killed only in the tens of thousands. But year in and year out, people die…

  • COVID-19, Part 1 of 3

    April 4, 2020 So many stories I hear… Some say it is God’s will. Some say it is nature weeding overpopulation. Some say the Chinese government released that virus to help their economy and eliminate old people and chronically sick individuals. It does not matter much what some say. We are here, now, and a…