Category: Old Time Health

  • Old Wisdom Versus Today’s Science on Wound Healing

    April 11, 2021 For years, I used a well-known antiseptic ointment to protect any little wounds. It seemed to work… somewhat. A couple of years ago, I stupidly burned my arm taking a casserole out of the oven. It was a nasty third-degree burn. It looked bad, but after cleaning and dressing it up with…

  • Daddy in the Delivery Room?

    My generation was the first allowing fathers in the delivery room. When I gave birth to my kids, it was all the rage. Women were happy to flaunt the suffering endured while giving birth. It was all about equality. It was high time men realized what women were going through and sharing the experience. It…

  • Nail Fungus? What Nail Fungus?

    For years, a big toenail bothered me. It was ugly. The doctor said it was nail fungus. There are medications that the doctor could have prescribed, but he advised against them. He mentioned liver damage as a potential side effect to these medications. Was I willing to risk my liver for an ugly toenail? I…

  • Depressions, Panic Attacks, Night Terrors, and Rock Rose

    My first depression was a post-partum one. An ugly thing. My thoughts were dangerous. I could not see my way out. I had to sleep with lights on… when I could sleep. I went to the doctor when I started believing that my children would be better dead than alive. I wanted to be hospitalized.…