Category: This and That
Hijab, Yarmulke, Rift
April 2, 2019 Women wearing the hijab make me uncomfortable. Men wearing the yarmulke disturb me. The hijab shouts “this woman is a Muslim!” The yarmulke proclaims “this man is Jewish!” What is the point? We are all free to believe in any God we like. We are all free to practice our religions. We…
Tax the Rich!
Ironically, even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s mother left New York to save on taxes.
Democrats’ Agenda: On Free College and Medicare for All
What democrats are running on for the next election seems great, even if it is nothing but old news. 100-year-old news.
Deplorable Democrats?
October 25, 2018 It is all over the news. Democrats are receiving what appears to be explosive devices in the mail. They are outraged. Maybe even scared. Or so they say. Hillary Clinton stated that to have civility back, Democrats must win the mid-term elections. What did she mean? Vote the right way, or else?…
September 30, 2018 I am tired of the British Royal Family saga. I don’t care for any of them. I don’t know them. I will never meet them. How will anything they do change my life? Yet, I know way too much about their shoes, hairstyles, what they do or don’t eat, their kids and…
Middle Aged Women
September 19, 2018 Middle Aged Women… Ageism and Sexism’s Silent Victims? I see, here and there, articles about what clothing middle aged women should wear or not. Articles about haircuts that middle aged women should want. Articles about how ridiculous it is for middle aged women to use vocabulary that only younger women should know…
Self Driving Cars Anyone?
September 2, 2018 A woman dies in Arizona after being hit by a self-driving SUV. That is the first headline I saw this morning when opening my news feed. And I though, it is starting. If you are reading this, you are on a computer, a tablet, a smart phone. We all have pieces of…
Illegal Immigration Solution
January 31, 2019 Some people want a wall. Some people are strongly and violently opposed to it. People opposed to the wall argue that borders should be eliminated. They argue that the USA should be an open land and that all are welcome; that refusing anyone is racism, fascism, Nazism. People wanting a wall say…
Something Must be Wrong with Woke People
First off, the term woke is dumb.