July 28, 2020
Something very strange happened…
I have been posting my thoughts for a couple of years on my GrandMa Talks website. During that time, my poor site was inundated by Google Ads. But then, what else to do? I can not really make people pay for my opinions or tips. I realize I am a nobody. I am just sharing, hoping to maybe help a little, calm a little, my readers.
Some of you were gracious enough to click on an ad here and there. I was thankful for the pennies earned.
Months ago, I started to work in a dementia assisted living facility. Little did I know then that I would be right in the heart of the Covid-19 pandemic. I lived with the high-risk potential victims of this virus for months.
I quickly realized that what I was hearing on the news and what I was experiencing were two separate worlds. I saw a split appear between the “essential” people that kept on going to work every day, and the people that stayed quarantined in their homes for months.
I decided to share what I saw and what I thought in first Covid-19, then Big Bad Covid-19, and finally in Covid-19 Follow Up.
Last week, my site’s Google Ads disappeared. All of them.
I did not receive an email from Google telling me that my posts violated in any ways their rules. I did not change my settings. The ads are just gone.
I read and hear that Facebook, Twitter, and Google are now policing and taking down posts or comments that they do not agree with. Facebook, for example, says:
Since January, we’ve applied this policy to misinformation about COVID-19 to remove posts that make false claims about cures, treatments, the availability of essential services or the location and severity of the outbreak.
In my posts, I talked about what I saw and experienced for months. I am not on Facebook and cannot be taken down that easily. But how many posts exactly, that portrayed Covid-19 in a more realistic light, have simply disappeared?
My posts are not misinformation. They are witness’ accounts.
What is really going on?
Google removing ads from my site… is that a way from Google to push me to stop posting? After all, why should I bother?
Am I touching a dangerous subject?
I do not understand. Why would the big influencers and media want so badly to scare the world?
If the number of deaths is not as high as predicted, shouldn’t we all celebrate? And what to think of the new studies now pouring in and showing real promise of a therapeutic cure? Remember hydroxychloroquine? It is back!
I really do not understand, and it makes me question. Why are we being fed fear? Who profits from a panicked quarantined population?
Katrin L.
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