September 28, 2019
I don’t think much of today’s democrats. Acting like bullies, angry at having lost the last election, fearful of losing the next one, for the past three years they tried their hardest to have a duly elected President set aside.
The Mueller probe did not bring the expected results. If anything, it raised questions about the previous administration’s dealings.
This week, it is about an anonymous “whistleblower” and a conversation that should have stayed between two presidents.
I read the transcript of that conversation. A lot of nothing. Congratulations, deals, and a question about a former Vice President that may have abused his powers. But before the transcript was even released, an Impeachment Inquiry was announced.
Politics are politics. I can understand that. But democrats may be going too far. It is obvious now that they could care less about the people they are supposed to represent. Since that nonsense impeachment talk two days ago, my 401K is losing money. And it is not the first time this past year alone, all thanks to the Democratic party engineered scandals.
Granted, Wall Street’s traders are not the smartest and brightest. They act on rumors and fears. And democrats do excel at spinning tales out of thin air. Before seeing any proof of an alleged treason, they jumped on the impeachment bandwagon.
These gossipers will stop at nothing to get back the power they lost in 2016. But these politicians are out of steam, do not know on which platform they should run, have no idea on how to help the economy, keep on using the race card, and talk about how divided the country is while working hard at dividing it further.
For Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton… it is time to retire. And the young elected ones should be smarter and let go of century-old socialist and communist ideologies that did not work and deeply hurt Europe.
The witch hunt the Democratic party has been pursuing these past years has to be put to rest. It looks uglier by the day. Politicians should do the jobs they were elected to do. Creating havoc and instability in people’s lives is not what we need our politicians to strive for.
Some brainstorming is due, and novel ideas on where this country could go are long overdue. Promises of Free College and Medicare for All should be presented with their price tags. Fresh ideas may be all that is needed for The People to elect a new President and let Trump go in 2020.
Is Trump really that threatening to the Democrats in power? What is it that is so important that this party may lose should Trump be re-elected? In Deplorable Democrats I was thinking that Power was the end game. It may be way simpler. Are “donors” now giving more to the republican party than to the democratic? Is Money the issue?
It must be. After all, If I am getting seriously annoyed at my 401K losing value, I can imagine the democratic party’s rage at losing millions in monetary support.
Should we start to “follow the money”?
The Center for Responsive Politics has a list on who is giving how much to whom for the next election. Does each fabricated scandal increase donations to the democratic party?
But then, if a politician’s job is to raise money, why do tax payers pay them salaries, benefits, and pensions? To whom is the politician’s allegiance given to? The big donor worth billions? John Smith across the street?
Katrin L.
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