Something Must be Wrong with Woke People

May 7, 2021

First off, the term woke is dumb. If you want to say awake, then say awake. Reinventing a language is not cute. Only confusing.

But then, confusion must be what they are after…

Then, stupidity after stupidity comes out of these wannabe smarter than you Wokes.

The latest is maybe the most revolting.

Calling women “Birthing People”.


Who, pray tell, came up with such a degrading and debasing term?

What should a woman deciding that having a child is not for her be called? What of a woman plagued by sterility? She will not be birthing. So what? Will the woke come up with Menstruating People?

What of a woman passed her menopause? No more menstruation here. A woke character may like to call these Useless People. Better yet, Good as Dead People.

Bravo! By removing the gender, you erased all but ovaries, uterus, and the birthing canal.

At this point, why not use the foulest word in the English language. You know the one I think of. That one that starts with a C.


Erased a brain, a mind, a character.

Erased a maiden, a mother, a crone.

Erased a sister.

Erased a daughter.

Erased a grandmother.

Erased a woman.

Erased all women.

Am I to conclude that woke people are the most ignorant misogynistic people that ever walked the surface of planet Earth?

Back off Woke. You are going too far. You were never cute to begin with. Simply exhausting now.

Katrin L.





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