August 25, 2020
I hesitated to write this post. I first wanted to make sure that my tip was safe for dishwashers. I have used this method for several years now, and so far, all good! The only thing to remember is that this method is to be used only on a need basis. After all, if your dishwasher interior is stainless steel, too much of a good thing may potentially tarnish a shiny finish.
Years ago, regulations were passed, and dishwashing detergents lost a huge amount of cleaning power. I started to notice that my glasses were becoming cloudy. A white film seemed to develop on all of them. Washing them again, by hand, scrubbing them, hard, did not work.
I could not only see it, I could feel that film by touch.
Research pointed to hard water coming from my water well as being the problem.
I bought any product I could find claiming to deal with this cloudy film on glass. I tried everything! I had no success.
I lost count on how many glasses went to the recycling bin. I was not happy about it, but these glasses looked too dirty for use.
One day, I ran out of dishwasher rinsing fluid. And my dishwasher refused to work. I thought about adding water in the rinse agent dispenser to trick it to start. And then decided to add some white vinegar instead. After all, why not? White vinegar is supposed to be a great all general-purpose cleaner, even if slightly acidic and not the best choice for stones and marble.
It was also a time in my life when I was eliminating chemicals in my house and was using my cheap clean all solution.
So, I did add the white vinegar, my dishwasher started, and I forgot all about it.
Until about a week later. I was emptying the dishwasher, pulling the glasses out, and thinking to myself that it had been a while since I saw my glasses sparkling so brightly!
The white, cloudy, greasy looking film was gone, and the glasses felt clean under my fingers. All it took was about a week of white vinegar rinse!
That was years ago. I never bought a rinsing agent since. My glassware looks fabulous. And my dishwasher never cleaned all I throw at it better!
Katrin L.
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