December 4, 2019
Are we done yet with blowing our money like crazy trying to impeach a duly elected President?
Am I the only one profoundly disturbed when listening to the impeachment hearings I hear questions asked by democrats ending with closed opinions that sound like “but we know he is guilty as sin anyway”?
Am I wrong to feel that, as a country, we must ask something in exchange for help money we are sending to foreign government and that “Quid Pro Quo”, meaning simply “Give and Take” or “tit for tat”, is to be expected?
Am I so obtuse that I do not mind when President Trump asks a foreign President to check on corruption in his own country, a country that we are sending money and ammunition to?
Why am I not outraged by President Trump looking into former Vice President Biden’s son affiliation with a Ukrainian company? And what is the son of an American Vice President doing on foreign companies’ boards anyway? Ever heard of “Conflict of Interest”?
And the longer these impeachment hearings go, the more I scratch my head and wonder what, exactly, is the problem?
And then we have the mainstream Media coverage. Big announcements from the New York Times. Sondland says: “We Followed the President’s Orders” and “Everyone Was in the Loop”. So open to interpretation, so vague, so somehow pushing the guilt… or blame… something, whatever will stick and stink toward the President.
As I don’t understand the why of it all, I went back to the source. What made the democrats go crazy this time? What prompted an inquiry before the release of a transcript?
I read the transcript once again… Here it is if you missed it.
Was it, maybe, very simply, the mention of Biden’s name?
Did President Trump touch on a dangerous subject for the democrats?
Why can’t I shake the feeling that this whole impeachment drama is nothing but a smoke screen? Is President Trump getting closer to proofs that could help him drain the swamp, as he promised he would do when elected?
If Vice President Biden really used his power to help his son get rich, who else knew? Who else endorsed? Who else benefited? How many high-ranking democrats are potentially in trouble here?
And what about mainstream Media? What did the press know of the whole affair?
Would the media be in hot water for covering up what may have been corruption? Abuse of power? What? Is the Press as implicated in wrongdoings as are the politicians?
The more it goes, the more I wonder…
It is no secret that the Democrats hate President Trump. An outsider, a businessman in the oval office is too much for them. Before his swearing-in ceremony, talks of impeachment were already all over the news.
In Deplorable Democrats, I was thinking that it had to do with Power. In Impeaching Trump, Money, a very serious incentive according to this. But what if it is even more basic than that? What if, if President Trump has enough time, he could gather enough evidence that would prove wrongdoings?
Wrongdoings that would be serious enough to justify jail time? Could the “lock her up” chant become a “lock them up” reality?
All speculations, of course. But then, again, why this hate, this rage, this haste to impeach a President?
Katrin L.
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