I will admit, I don’t like cleaning. Any type of cleaning… I find it a big loss of time.
But I love my house clean. It smells, looks, and feels good. Having allergies, it is not like I have a choice. Either I clean, or spend a small fortune on tissues and antihistamines.
I used to love buying cleaning supplies! I still love the packaging, the pictures on the bottles and jars, the idea that if I buy the right product, the job will be easier, quicker and better done. Somehow, my dislike for cleaning was appeased by my shopping for cleaning solutions.
I had a different product for every surface and every room. My kitchen’s under the sink cabinet was crowded. My laundry room as well. And I had no room in my bathroom’s vanity for anything but tub, sink, shower, mirror, and glass cleaners. Ridiculous, right?
I tried them all! Every brand, from cheapest to most expensive, from most popular to obscure. Brand new offerings had to be tested as soon as they were on the stores’ shelves!
When I look back, I’m uneasy at how much money I spent on all these products. And if the useless spending was not enough, I am still working on repairing damages these products did to my belongings.
Would you believe that I unknowingly covered my hardwood with some type of wax using a commercial cleaner advertised as being the perfect choice for sealed hardwood floor?
Now, I clean everything with a homemade solution. If you can call it that. Cheap. I use it on my kitchen counters, stainless steel appliances, all bathroom surfaces, all hard floors. It cuts through grease and messes like no other. I spray it on clean microfiber towels when dusting all my wood furniture. It shines all my chromes. Mirrors and windows are streak free and stay that way.
I use the same solution in a spray bottle for everything, with plenty of clean rags and microfiber towels. For both sealed hardwood and laminate floors, spay it down and mop with dry microfiber pads, 1 pad per room. It does not smell great… but it deodorizes and sanitizes all surfaces as it dries very quickly.
Here it goes…
No need to go high end. No Grey Goose. No Stoli nor Tito. Look at the bottom shelf and get the cheapest you can find. The vodka that you would never drink is the vodka you want here!
Now you have it. A simple and cheap solution that will really help you have a spotless home. Give it a try. It will not disappoint!
Katrin L.
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